Parameter bag

This service simply abstracts array access to OOP-level by providing several methods for that. The methods are following:


boolean \Krystal\ParamBag\ParamBag::exists(string $key)

Checks whether a parameter exists in a stack.


void \Krystal\ParamBag\ParamBag::set(string $key, mixed $value)

Appends a new parameter to the stack.


mixed \Krystal\ParamBag\ParamBag::get(string $key, mixed $default = false)

Returns parameter's value if exists. If not, returns the value of the second argument.


This is how you're gonna use it as a standalone tool, mostly:


$data = array(
   'foo' => 'bar'

$pb = new ParamBag($data);
echo $pb->get('foo'); // Will output bar

var_dump($pb->exists('foo'))// True