Image component

This component can help you to build paths and do image processing like cropping, resizing and so on.

Image processing

Currently it works with GD only. In order to start processing images, you would simply instantiate \Krystal\Image\Processor\GD\ImageProcessor providing one argument, which is a path to an image on the file system or a path to URL. If it can't open an image, it throws \RuntimeException. An example,


use Krystal\Image\Processor\GD\ImageProcessor;

$file = '...'

$processor = new ImageProcessor($file);


\Krystal\Image\Processor\GD\ImageProcessor::flip(int $type)

Flips an image. There are the available constants that you can simply as argument. Here they are:



\Krystal\Image\Processor\GD\ImageProcessor::(string $watermarkFile, $corner = self::IMG_RIGHT_BOTTOM_CORNER, int $offsetX = 10, int $offsetY = 10)

Adds a watermark to current image. The first argument is path to an image file. The second argument is a constant that defines where a corner should be drawn. It can be one of these:


The third and fourth argument are about X and Y offsets. By default both are 10px.



Add grayscale filter



Adds black-white filter, i.e replaces all colors to white and black.



Applies negative filter


\Krystal\Image\Processor\GD\ImageProcessor::resize(int $x, int $y, bool $proportional = true)

Resizes an image. First argument must be a new height and the second must be a new width. By default it resizes proportionally, but you can change it setting third argument to false.


\Krystal\Image\Processor\GD\ImageProcessor::crop(int $width, int $height, int $startX = null, int $startY = null)

Crops an image.


\Krystal\Image\Processor\GD\ImageProcessor::thumb(int $width, int $height)

Makes a thumbnail (preview) of an image.


\Krystal\Image\Processor\GD\ImageProcessor::rotate(int $degrees)

Rotates an image. Takes only one argument which is a degree.


Once you finish manipulation, you would want to save an image or maybe to render it. First, let's take a look how to save an image. There's a method save() to do that:

\Krystal\Image\Processor\GD\ImageProcessor::save(string $path, int $quality = 75, string $type = null)

The first argument must be a path to the file an image will be written into. A permissions on the file system for writing is a must. The second $quality argument is about quality of outputting image, if used if an image's type supports it. And last argument $type allows to save an image with another MIME-type.

If you simply want to render an image directly in a browser, you would use render() method instead.

\Krystal\Image\Processor\GD\ImageProcessor::render(int $quality = 75)

Image manager

Dealing with images of different dimensions is a very common task in many web applications. For example, you would be dealing with it when developing a photo album, or some kind of social network where each user must have an avatar, or some kind of e-commerce system where each product must have an image with different dimensions.

Krystal provides a dedicated service to deal with that.


To start using it, you have to tweak it first. This is done when instantiating the class. The constructor requires the following arguments:

$path, $rootDir, $rootUrl, array $plugins

Where $path is a shared path for $rootDir and $rootUrl. For example, its value might be /data/uploads/module/album/ in case you have a photo album. The $rootDir and $rootUrl are self-explanatory variables - they expect paths of root directory and a root URL respectively.

The $plugins is an array of image handlers. Now let's learn about it.


A plugin is just a sub-component that can process an image. Currently there are 2 available plugins.


A thumb plugin can make thumbs of uploaded images on the fly. You can make an image with many dimensions at once. The plugin has 2 options

quality - defines an output quality (i.e quality for an image to be written on file-system). A value must be in rage between 1 and 100. If not specified, then 75 used as a default value.

dimensions - is an array of arrays with desired image dimensions. A nested array, as a first arguments takes desired width, and a height as a second.



use Krystal\Image\Tool\ImageManager;

$path = '/data/uploads/module/album/';
$rootUrl = '/';

// Instantiate and configure the manager
$im = new ImageManager($path, $rootDir, $rootUrl, array(
   'thumb' => array(
     'dimensions' => array(
       // First key is a width, second one is a height
       array(150, 150),
       array(200, 200)  

The manager is prepared now. If we call it from some controller's action like this:

// Assuming that $im has been prepared
$im->upload('1', $this->request->getFiles())

It will upload an image to /data/uploads/module/album/1 on the file system with these nested folders:

150x150 200x200

where each folder will contain a resized (processed via thumbnail) copy of an image. We used $upload() method to upload an image. As a first argument it accepts a unique id, and as a second it accepts a collection returned by $this->request->getFiles()


This plugins uploads an original image to the file system. Optionally it can lower its quality. It's called original and accepts an array with the following pair:

prefix - a folder name inside provided $path to be generated when uploading an image.

quality - optionally can be overridden with another quality. The range of quality must be between 1 and 100



use Krystal\Image\Tool\ImageManager;

$path = '/data/uploads/module/album/';
$rootUrl = '/';

// Instantiate and configure the manager
$im = new ImageManager($path, $rootDir, $rootUrl, array(
   'thumb' => array(
      // ...
    'original' => array(
       'prefix' => 'original',
       'quality' => 40

It can work along with the thumb plugin. So when doing an uploading it will upload an image into a folder named original.

Available methods

So far, we've learned how to instantiate and tweak the image manager. Now it's time to learn about its available methods.

upload($id, array $files)

Uploads a collection to the target unique id. Usually the id is the value of database's last insert id, and the $files collection is a returned value of $this->request->getFiles()

delete($id, $image = null)

Removes either a whole directory by its associated id, or a single image file (including all its dimensions) from within $id folder, if $image's value isn't null


This method returns a special service that can build paths to images. Before it can be used, it need to be configured - you have to defined a unique id and a file name by calling setId() and setCover(). For example:

// Configure the bag
$imageBag = $im->getImageBag();

Once you've done, you can use it to build paths by calling getUrl() providing a dimension as an argument. For example:

echo $imageBag->getUrl('200x200');

The output will be:
