Auto-loader component

[!NOTE] This component should no longer be used. Use Composer instead.

This component is meant to provide common auto-loading functionality for classes, interface and traits. It can auto-load: PSR-0, PSR-4 compliant classes, as well as map-like ones.


As mentioned above, you have a configuration for PSR-0, PSR-4, and map class autoloaders. To configure that, open framework's configuration file (which is typically located at /config/app.php) and find a section called autoload. Inside this section you can configure autoloaders. So let's start from this.


Krystal Framework itself follows classical PSR-0 structure. You will find that both framework and module's folders are attached by default, like this:

    'autoload' => array(
        'psr-0' => array(
            dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor',
            dirname(__DIR__) . '/module',

That means, that PSR-0 autoloader will use those paths as base directories. If you want to add another library that follows PSR-0, you can simply put it into vendor's directory without appending its path.


That's a new convention to structure directories, Krystal and its modules directory don't follow it at the moment. However, if you have a library that follows it, you can simply attach PSR-4 autooader to it like this:

    'autoload' => array(
        'psr-4' => array(
            '..prefix..' => '..path..',

The prefix defined a namespace prefix for the path.

Class map

Some legacy PHP libraries don't follow neither PSR-0 and PSR-4 and have their own way of including classes. To add class autoloading support for them, you can manually declare paths for them. You can do so by creating a new section called map that contains an associative array with class names and their associated paths, like this:

    'autoload' => array(
        'map' => array(
           'className' => 'path'

Note, that the path must be without .php extension at the end.

Using as a standalone library

You can use autoloading component as a standalone library.


First of all, you have to include it:

require($basePath . '/Krystal/Autoloader/PSR0.php');

where $basePath is a path to a directory that contains Krystal Framework.

Second, you need to instantiate and configure it providing base directory path, like this:

$loader = new PSR0;

// Or if you have an array of directories

$loader->addDirs(array('...', '...'));

// And finally


Just like as in previous example, you have to include it:

require($basePath . '/Krystal/Autoloader/PSR4.php');

where $basePath is a path to a directory that contains Krystal Framework.

And then you need to instantiate and registerPSR4 class provided a namespace with its associated base directory, like this:

$loader = new PSR4();

$loader->addNamespace('..prefix..', '..baseDir..');

// Or if you have an array

   '..prefix..' => '..baseDir..',
   '..anotherPrefix..' => '..anotherBaseDir..'


Class map

First of all, you have to include it:

require($basePath . '/Krystal/Autoloader/ClassMapLoader.php');

where $basePath is a path to a directory that contains Krystal Framework.

Second you need to instantiate ClassMapLoader providing a map to its contructor, like this:

$map = array(
   'FooHandler' => '/path/to/Foo' // <-must be without php extension

$loader = new ClassMapLoader($map);