FileSystem component

This component provides a service utility to working with the file system.


It has the following methods:



Extracts and returns a base name from a path. For example, if a target path is /var/home/config.var then the resulting base name will be config.var



Extracts and returns an extension of a path. For example, if a path is /var/home/config.var, then the resulting extension will be var



Extracts and returns a base name from a path.



Returns a file name from a path.



Extracts and returns a Mime-Type from a file.


\Krystal\Filesystem\FileManager::getDirTree($dir, $self = false)

Builds and returns a directory tree as an array. The first $dir argument is a path to the desired directory, and the seconds $self tells whether to include target path (i.e the value of $dir) to the resulting array. If invalid directory path supplied, then RuntimeException will be thrown.



Counts the size of a directory in bytes. If invalid directory path supplied, then RuntimeException will be thrown.



Removes everything inside a directory. If invalid directory path supplied, then RuntimeException will be thrown.


\Krystal\Filesystem\FileManager::chmod($file, $chmod)

Recursively applies native PHP's chmod() function to a given directory. The first $file argument must be path either to a directory or to a file. And the second $chmod defines a mode to be applied.



Removes a directory, even if it's not empty. The first argument $dir is a path to a directory to be removed.



Safely removes a file. That means it would remove a file assigning 777 mode to it before removing it. In case supplied file doesn't exist, it'd throw RuntimeException.


\Krystal\Filesystem\FileManager::copy($src, $dst)

Copies a directory to the destination path. The first argument $src is a path to a target directory, and the second $dst is a path to the destination directory. If $src is invalid directory path, then RuntimeException will be thrown.


\Krystal\Filesystem\FileManager::move($from, $to)

Just like as the previous copy() method, copies a directory to the destination path, and in addition removes the target directory.



Checks whether target file is empty. Returns boolean value. If invalid file path supplied, then RuntimeException will be thrown.



Returns a directory list (array) inside a target directory. First level means, that it's not aware of recursion, so in case some of resulting directory has a nested one, it will be ignored. In case it can't open a directory, then UnexpectedValueException will be thrown.